Signs that you are shifting into a higher level of consciousness

In everyone’s life, comes a time when you want to know the depth of your own being and also have the the understanding of human kind. It is an awakening and once you are there you will never want to go back to the you that slept through time. . 

“There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.” Albert Einstein

In everyone’s life, comes a time when you want to know the depth of your own being and also have the the understanding of human kind. It is an awakening and once you are there you will never want to go back to the you that slept through time.

  1. You want to find your purpose.
  2. You will be in gratitude for everything.
  3. Your mindset and habits will change, because you adopt empowering beliefs, while letting go of disempowering beliefs. 
  4. The anger that you once experienced, seems less important as you begin shifting to a  higher state of consciousness.  Anger towards self, others, situations subsides and you begin forgiving –  they can only bring to the table what they know and so can you.
  5. You become truly happy and can stay in the moment most of the time, no matter what is happening around you.
  6. You no longer have to prove yourself worthy, because your worth is found within and you no longer require validation from outside yourself.
  7. You learn how to set healthy boundaries, and while it isn’t always easy, you learn how to follow through when a boundary is crossed. 
  8. You understand that your decisions that have brought you to this moment, and want to make sure that your future decisions will be in line with your continuing journey  Everything that has happened in life, has happened because of a decision.  
  9. While life can give us lessons we don’t understand, when you begin to raise your consciousness, you take responsibility for those lessons.  It is no longer as important to blame others for what happened.  
  10. It is not necessary to blame yourself either.   It is imperative to recognize that each lesson is offered to you, so that you in turn will be there for others going through something similar.   Embracing what was, and giving gratitude for where it has brought you in this moment, whos life you have touched, and the growth that has happened as a result, will be life changing.  
  11. You are doing the inner work.  
  12. You suddenly feel like you need to change your diet.  It becomes very important do do so. 
  13. When your intuition and empathy are at their best, you will feel a certain energy in you that is not something you can explain. 
  14. You want to heal yourself and perhaps help others to heal their wounds too
  15. You become interdependent rather than co dependent.  You are finally free of the idea that you need to be validated by someone or something outside of yourself.  
  16. You are less attached to the outcome of any relationship, interaction, event, job, whatever it is for you.  Because you know without a shadow of a doubt that the universe, your guides, your higher power is always working in your favor. 
  17. You no longer live in the past, or the future, but rather right here in this moment. 
  18. Self care becomes a priority, because you understand that if your love tank is not full, then how can you fully love others?
  19. You are not in competition with anyone.  Instead, you will make an effort to help others become successful.   
  20. You practice random acts of kindness whenever you can. 
  21. Your friendships begin to change.  You may loose a few friends as you become more conscious, and that’s ok, because they can’t come with you on this ride.  They will self select, and that will leave the door wide open for people who are on the same page as you to come into your life.  
  22. You crave more time in nature
  23. When you raise your consciousness, you are the captain of your thoughts, actions, gifts and talents. 

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