
Welcome to our blog! Here, I will be sharing insights and expertise on a wide range of topics related to personal growth, relationships, and finding true happiness. I’m passionate about empowering individuals to overcome obstacles, build healthy relationships and create a life they love. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, practical advice, or simply a supportive community, you’ve come to the right place.

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  • What To Do When You Find Out Your Partner Is Controlling

    You might be in a controlling relationship and not know it. Manipulative and dominating behaviour can sometimes go almost unnoticed. Almost.  You might be in a controlling relationship and not know it. Manipulative and dominating behaviour can sometimes go almost […]


  • Discover Your Attachment Style And Enrich Your Romantic Life

    Relationships may seem elusive and mysterious, but when you look at them more closely you are likely to find patterns related to your attachment styles. That’s a term psychologists use to describe basic orientations that we form starting in your […]


  • The Procrastination Habit

    Putting things off until later is sometimes needed. It’s ok to leave it for a bit, but only if it can be delayed without negative side-effects. It’s important to think about why you are delaying and what will happen if you delay […]


  • Can You Forgive And Forget?

    People often misunderstand the reasons forgiveness is so important. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself, not the other person. People often misunderstand the reasons forgiveness is so important. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself, not the other person. One of […]


  • Go Within And Change Your Life

    “Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Words come out of the void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.” – Wayne Dyer “Everything that’s created comes out of […]


  • A Valentine’s Day Message For YOU

    When you first and you say those 3 important words to someone you want to get closer to, you begin the journey into deepening that love. Falling in love, however might take a little longer…. This morning as I was […]


  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Is No Joke

    “You don’t have to save me, you just have to hold my hand while I save myself.” – Unknown “You don’t have to save me, you just have to hold my hand while I save myself.” – Unknown Post Traumatic […]


  • Anxiety And YOU!

    Every single human being experiences anxiety from time to time. It’s nature’s way of motivating us to get our butt in gear or anticipate and react to a potential or future threat. Difficulties come up, when we are anxious too […]


  • Is Addiction The New Pandemic?

    When someone takes on addictive tendencies they want to numb their emotions so they don’t feel the complete isolation and disconnect that is theirs in their daily existence.  When someone takes on addictive tendencies they want to numb their emotions […]
