Protection For The Empath

Empaths are under increasing amounts of stress and change as the world is shifting. Protection for the empath, especially in these uncertain times, is move important than ever.  The following are some tips for you to protect your energy. 

Empaths are under increasing amounts of stress and change as the world is shifting. Protection for the empath, especially in these uncertain times, is move important than ever.  The following are some tips for you to protect your energy. 

1. Adrenal fatigue and emotional overwhelm 

When you are fatigues, take some time to rest.  It will help you to get back some of the energy you have lost.  Eat whole food diet  Himalayan sea salt  Exercise, Mediate, use rosewater to bathe in, or add a small amount to your coffee or tea.  Very soothing.  

2.   Earthing –  Take some time each day while the weather is warmer, to stand barefoot on the grass.   Be still and allow nature’s healing energy to vibrate throughout your body.  

3.  When dealing with toxic people, it’s not always about what they say or do,but as empaths, you are able to feel their energetic pulse as soon as they walk in the door. Toxic energy –  If you encounter toxic energy remember it is not yours.  Your mantra can be, “return to sender”.  Some use “cancel”.    Learn other strategies to manage toxic people, as soon as you feel something is off.   

4. Non stop talkers.  

Non stop talkers can be redirected if you say something like – “Would it be alright if I  interject here?” or ” I’d just like to add to that…”

5. Physical touch 

If you don’t want to hug someone dont.  You might be feeling their energetic vibration or they may be an energy vampire. 

6. Defining relationship needs – if someone can’t understand your empathic traits, you need to ask yourself what you are doing there.  

7. Time Alone 

All empaths, intuitives and HSP’s require time alone.    Rest, take time each day to have complete silence , no light, no sound, no interruptions.  You will thank yourself for taking this time out. 

8. Jaguar mediation  (from Judith Orloff’s Work)

Sit in a comfortable position.  Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself and begin to let go of stress.  In this calm state, from deep within your heart, call on the spirit of the jaguar to protect you.  Feel it’s presence enter. Then visualize, this gorgeous, powerful creature patrolling your energy field, protecting you, and keeping intruders and any negative forces out. Picture what the jaguar looks like – it’s beautiful, fierce and loving eyes, its sleek body;  the graceful and purposeful way it moves.  Feel secure in the circle of its protection.  As close this meditation, give inner thanks to the jaguar.  Know that you can call on it whenever there is a need. Feel the power of that.  Then slowly and gently open your eyes. Orient yourself back into the current time and space.  

I hope this helps many of you. There is more information available on the Empath Journey Tab.


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